We ran a programming contest in issue #83. We've shared the winner and a selection of our favorite entries below.
Misha's code taught us a lot about the C preprocessor. Check out our explanation of his incredibly dense code in issue #84.
Written in machine language for a SECD virtual machine Zach wrote in Clojure. In his own words he, "only had to implement a couple more instructions" for this to work.
A node app that keeps allocating uninitialized bytes of memory until it finds "LinkedList NYC" (or any input string, for that matter) among the garbage.
A linked list implementation in assembly.
A Python script that does a depth-first search crawling from a given URL. It prints a list of linked pages where each URL contains one of the letters. Example usage: python llc.py http://linkedlistnyc.org "LinkedList NYC"
A 14-question quiz where the answers are the ASCII char codes for the string "LinkedList NYC".
A Java program that benchmarks an algorithm for finding acronyms (e.g., "New York City" –> "NYC") across several data structures, and prints the class name of the fastest implementation along with the result.
A Wikipedia attractor that converges on the page for "Greek Language" and finds the string using predetermined character offsets. [Let's just hope nobody edits the Greek language Wikipedia page. -Ed]
A pixel-based, animated printout in CoffeeScript using CSS 3 transitions.
A Lua script that grabs "LinkedList NYC" from our site's title tag and texts it to you. You can try it out by running: curl http://linkedlistnyc.webscript.io/ -d phonenumber="YOURPHONENUMBER"
A 6-instruction (non-Turing complete) Brainfuck implementation in Scheme, formatted to look like a bowl of ice cream.
A Ruby web server, embedded in a Markdown file.
A program in Homespring, a "high-level esoteric programming language created ... with the express intention of being far higher level than anyone would ever reasonably need or want." Quin even wrote a Homespring interpreter!
Quin also wrote an Arduino program that prints "LinkedList NYC" on a thermal printer by first rendering it in memory and then printing the full contents of RAM as a bitmap. Since you probably don't have a thermal printer, watch the video.
A node script that gets "LinkedList" from an interpolated 9th degree polynomial function, and "NYC" from trigram analysis of search results for "what is the largest city in america". [Note: We had to change the search to "what is the largest city in the united states" for the trigram analysis to come out right. YMMV. -Ed.]
A Python script that turns any progam into highly efficient, portable C code. Unfortunately, it currently only works for programs that print "LinkedList NYC" to stdout.